Saturday, October 24, 2009

Heart Of A Mother

One day, a man tempted an ignorant boy with his money to safeguard against harm. So, he told him "bring me the heart of your mother, Boy. And to you i'll give jewels, coins and pearls,". So, he went and stabbed a dagger to his mother chest. After he took out the heart, he went back the way he came. But because of his excess haste, he fell and so the torn heart fell and rolled as he stumbled. The mother's heart called him while being covered with dirt "Son! My Beloved! Are you hurt?!". Suddenly even though the voice was very compassionate, it was as if the wrath of the heavens have fallen on the boy and he unsheathed his dagger to stab himself. A stabbing to become an example for those who heed examples. The heart of the motehr called him saying "Stop your hand and do not kill my heart twice in the same place,".

Stop your hand and do not kill my heart twice in the same place

p/s: ok..its study time..wish me the best!! tq Allah


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