Wednesday, July 1, 2009

1st July - My Day~~

They wish me...

from Auni

"happy birthday to my dearest buddy
-ika cute-
hope u'll always be happy
luv u a lots"

from abang

"haha dah makin tua
anyway tahniah dan semoga panjang umur,
murah rezeki dan bahagia dunia akhirat"

from ayie

"Salam, selamat hari jd ke-20
Semoga pjg umur, murah rezeki
and enjoy your life"

from kakcik

"Appy bfday!!
Moga pnjg umo n bhgia slalu....
syg ika! =p"

from Hazim

"Happy Birthday!!!!
semoga pjg umur,
bertemu jodoh yang sesuai
dan juga selalu bahagia
dan sihat di sane..."

from k Ayna

"happy 20th birthday iqa cyg!
eeh dh bsr rupenye bdk kck ni :p
may all ur dreams will cum tru tis yr dear,
love you to bits ! :)"

from Cami

"slmt tue slmt tue slmt tue slmt tue
slmt tue slmt tue slmt tue slmt tue slmt tue slmt tue
slmt tue slmt tue
slmt tue slmt tue slmt tue slmt tue slmt tue
slmt tue slmt tue slmt tue
ckup 20x
slmt lahir hari yg 20 ke
anda dh ade 2 kepala
anda mmg tua
semoga lebih diberkati
cepat kawen
p/s:rajen2 skek mandi


from auni : birthday's night

surprise at Happy Puppy (Karaoke)
thankz Auni for the cake
thankz cami, ayna, huda, sakeen, nadia, tirah, epul, lan, shah n sheghi
for the lovely celebration


From Auni my beloved housemate
(leh goyang2~~1st time dpt kad len dr yg bese ^____^)


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