Saturday, July 25, 2009

Port D oooh P Dickson!!

kitorg nek 'DONUT BOAT'

wake up!! wake up!!
its time for our 1st holiday1!!
mom is busy in kitchen, preparing all the foods
there are 'sambal sotong', 'sambal kicap udang' n 'ikan merah goreng'
got call from k ani..she thought i'm going to visit her mom today
and she asked at what time i'll come
sorry dear, we already planning this for a long time
its really hard to have a family vacation nowadays
after this vacation i'll visit 'mak long' insyaAllah
its time for Port Dickson..there is mom, dad, hazim, kakcik n me
ayie is going to join us also...die dtg dari tmpat dielah kn
sampai je PD, wait for ayie for a while n ayie at last smpai gk
n we had our picnic..a thing that kitorg dh lama x buat for many years
its really nice..tgk org mandi kitorg xlah
then check in kt leisure holiday..dl dh pernah dtg cni dgn keluarga bsr
after rest for a few hours..kitorg turun mandi kt swimming pool
dh lama x swimming..n my stamina really going down..haha
then naik bilik, kejut papa..LETS GO TO BEACH!!!
at beach..we had a really nice experience..kitorg nek 'DONUT BOAT'
melambung2 kitorg kt ctu..if kitorg longgar cket je pgg..mmg tercampak r kt laut tu
sambil2 men tu..dapat minum air free gk...'THE SALT WATER'
abes bersih r muka aku lps ni..haha..really nice..
then, at night, we had our dinner at the nearest restaurant..what a nice place
after this, i want to bring my friend here since i'd already had my mom permission
to use her point to stay here..doesn't have to spend money utk penginapan..

sambil2 men tu..dapat minum air free gk...'THE SALT WATER'


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