Friday, July 24, 2009

i'M hOMe!!!!

I'm HoMe!!!!

its nice to be at home mom yg jemput..flight delay td..cian mama tunggu :( huhu~~after that we went to MMU Cyberjaya to pick Kakcik home..she juz finished her calculus exam..hope the result is nice..same goes to my MCQ exam awal pg tadi..hope so~~then we went to KFC at ...(x igt nama tmpat).. its weird..the employee didn't say anything even a single word..juz doing some body sign..i think its because of H1N1 because 1 of the passenger is also doing the same things as the car, i told my mom about that..n my mom point her finger to the KFC's glass wall..ceit..there is a symbol..tunjukkan yg bekerja di dlm adalah org yg ada kekurangan..n td tu sbb die bisu..haha..nasib bek..aku x sound diorg td..x mesra pelanggan..then, we juz straight go back home..n its nice to be at home now!!

this holiday, the 'AZAM' is to study all the basic in medical lesson..then, other things that i'd learned before~~its hard..but i'll try 


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